Welcome to Merewether Physie Club, a nurturing place where children flourish, teens transform, and ladies thrive. Our passionate teachers are dedicated to helping every member become the best they can be.
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What is Physie?
Physie (pronounced 'fizzy'), is a sport for girls and women from 3 years and up which builds confidence, good posture, strength, fitness and flexibility through exercise and dance.
The choreography is age appropriate, designed to teach the relationship of music to movement, rhythm, co-ordination, balance and interpretation. Physie also improves memory, focus, teamwork and motor skills.
The Physie year culminates in a series of friendly competitions for both teams and individuals. These are not compulsory but they do foster a club spirit, a sense of belonging and club loyalty.

Our Club
Merewether Physie began in 1988 and is affiliated with Bjelke-Peterson School of Physical Culture known as BJP. Our club is run by dedicated teachers who provide classes for all ages and abilities from preschoolers to ladies.
Physie is a sport for life. Mothers, daughters, grand-daughters and grandmothers can all be members and share in this unique sport. Our club caters for all ages and abilities so Physie is an experience you can share right throughout your life.
Our club is passionate about nurturing students’ total wellbeing, both mind and body. Physie is an accepting and encouraging team sport where every member is supported to set goals and work towards them.

No classes in the school holidays at the end of Term 1.
Classes recommence Monday 17th February (Ladies) & Tuesday 18th February (Juniors).

NSW Active Kids Provider
Merewether Physie is proud to be a Service NSW Active Kids provider. If you wish to use your Active Kids Voucher towards your fees please fill in the details when signing up, apply ACTIVEKIDS in the coupon field and the $50 will be taken off your fee.
Fees 2025
PRESCHOOLERS $5 per week
Term 1 - $80 (includes club rego fee)
Term 2 - $50
Term 3 - $50 Yearly Fee $185
JUNIORS $12 per week (includes full time high school & Uni students)
Term 1 - $136 (includes club rego fee)
Term 2 - $144
Term 3 - $144
Term 4 - $60
Discounted Yearly Fee if paying as one amount $440
LADIES $17 per week
Term 1 - $176 (includes club rego fee)
Term 2 - $204
Term 3 - $204
Term 4 - $85
Discounted Yearly Fee if paying as one amount $607
Please note: BJP annual registration fee of $99 not included in above fees.
BJP REGISTRATION of $99 must be paid online by 25th February. This includes downloadable
CD and DVD for every member. The link is provided below:
Preschoolers: $40 yearly Club admin fee and no BJP registration necessary.

Contact us
For more information about MPC contact us today!
Latest News for 2024
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